Insurgency Wiki

The RPK, or Ruchnoy Pulemyot Kalashnikova (Russian: Ручной пулемёт Калашникова; English: Kalashnikov hand-held machine gun) is a 7.62×39mm Soviet/Russian light support weapon, developed in the late 1950s. The U.S.S.R. had chose Mikhail Kalashnikov's design along with the AKM to standardize the Soviet arsenal and replace the aging RPD. Because the RPK had literally a 95% part compatibility with the standard AKM pattern rifle, it was extremely cost efficient for the Soviet Union to manufacture.

The RPK was introduced in 1961 and is still in service today, with more recent variants introduced to modernize the design.


The RPK is a light machine gun available to the Insurgent faction. It features a 75-round drum magazine and a bipod by default. It is heavier than the AKM but fires the same round with similar recoil patterns. The RPK is the counterpart to the Security faction's M249, when compared side by side, the RPK features higher damage per bullet, a faster loaded and unloaded reload time, and less obstructive iron sights. The RPK also has a faster scope-in time when compared with the M249.


Underbarrel Bipod (static)
  • The Bipod is a default under-barrel attachment that cannot be taken off.
  • Suppressors are not available for the RPK in standard PvP play.


Insurgency: Sandstorm[]

The RPK-203 is a Light Support weapon given to Insurgent Gunners.

The RPK-203 is a 7.62x39mm caliber light machine gun (though more akin to a light support weapon) given to Insurgents for a 3 credit cost. It is a cheap and effective automatic machine gun for Insurgents as well, making the RPK a decent choice for a price. Its power, controllability, and price make it a prime option for a very well-rounded machine, though it can be outclassed by some better alternatives.

With such similarities in production to the standard AKM, the RPK-203's performance is nearly identical to its rifle counterpart, aside from extremely minor stat increases to velocity and penetration due to its longer barrel. The RPK-203's power comes from its 7.62x39mm cartridge, which is very effective at dispatching enemy targets, even at longer distances. Most shots to the upper torso will result in a kill, and hitting anywhere else will severely injure opponents. Penetration with the RPK-203 is solid, with the 7.62x39mm cartridge able to penetrate most solid objects and walls with relative ease, at the loss of minor damage afterwards. Its penetration also pretty much negates armor, cutting through even the heaviest of plates. The RPK, like the AKM, fires at a very controllable 600 rpm, making it fast enough to deal with targets efficiently as well as maintaining recoil and its magazine capacity.

Due to it being given to Gunners, it does implement a few features that help distinguish it from the AKM, namely the integrated bipod, and the option to equip 40 round extended mags and 75 round drums. The RPK is pretty good at suppression and locking down long sightlines and open areas of maps. The large 75-round drum magazine isn't very large compared to the belt fed LMGs, but with the middling fire rate of 600 RPM, this won't be too much of an issue.

Because the RPK-203 is so cheap, Insurgents are able to afford quite a lot of attachments without sacrificing most of their other gear. Things such as the Recoil grip, powerful magnification optics, and the aforementioned drum mag are readily available with no relative detraction to the amount of equipment brought on any loadout. The RPK, sharing 90% of its parts with the standard AKM, shares the same ease of use, making it a prime choice for an equipment loadout.

The main detraction of the RPK isn't actually a fault of the RPK itself. As a Gunner, there are various other options that will perform the job of the RPK-203 better in every aspect. The PKM and MG3 offer higher capacities and more suppressive capabilities that the RPK cannot, and the cheap Galil is basically the 5.56x45mm RPK, firing slightly faster and also comes in 2 SP cheaper, allowing for even more versatility.

Overall, the RPK is a great weapon for a very niche playstyle and class. It is quite easy to perform well with the RPK-203, but in modes that restrict classes, users may be hindering their team by choosing the RPK over alternate options. In modes such as Domination and FFA, this is a great choice, offering mildly better performance and attachments to the AKM for the same price.



  • Due to the RPK being built off of the AKM's receiver, they both share the same iron sight.


  • Due to the RPK being based off of the AKM, the front muzzle brake is slanted, giving it resemblance to a Romanian RPK model.
  • Although the AKM and RPK fire the same round and have interchangable magazines in real life, picking up a AKM/RPK after spawning with the other will still grant the player only around one magazine's worth of ammo. This is most likely for balance purposes, since the AKM and RPK are the only two weapons in-game that have interchangeable magazines of differing capacities. 
  • The drum magazine is missing a windup key on the first person model and the worldmodel.  
  • When used with a zoom rifle scope (e.g. 2x Red Dot), it has poor recoil control as it can be seen with the camera violently shaking as you fire a shot.  