Insurgency Wiki

The 🌐AKS-74U (Russian: Автомат Калашникова Складной образца 1974 года Укороченный, Avtomat Kalashnikova Skladnoy obraztsa goda 1974 Ukorochenniy; English: Automatic Kalashnikov Folding model 1974 Shortened) is a Soviet carbine, developed in the late 1970s from the AKS-74 assault rifle (itself a folding-stock variant of the AK-74), firing the 5.45×39mm cartridge. The AKS-74U straddles the line between assault rifle and submachine gun, firing assault rifle ammunition with a severely abbreviated barrel which allows for maneuverability in restricted spaces, yet noticeably decreases both its accuracy and muzzle velocity.

Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat[]

The AKS-74U is a carbine featured in Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat.


The AKS-74U is a carbine featured in Insurgency. It is available to the Militant and Scout classes for 2 supply points.

The AKS-74U is a hybrid between a PDW and an CAR/SBR, allowing it to have the fire rate and size of a SMG, while retaining the cartridge of an assault rifle. This allows the weapon to be highly effective in close and medium range firefights. When combined with a foregrip, the recoil is greatly reduced, even less than some SMGs. When compared to the AK-74, the AKS-74U has greater horizontal recoil, but less vertical recoil, a shorter length for the AKS-74U, however, both weapons share the same damage model.



CO-OP only:



Insurgency: Sandstorm[]

The AKS-74U is a carbine featured in Insurgency: Sandstorm.

The AKS-74U is a 5.45x39mm caliber carbine given to Insurgents for a 3 credit cost. Its power, controllability, and price make it a prime option for a very well-rounded carbine for Advisors.

As another one of the sub-variants of the AK-74, the AKS-74U takes the formula of the AK platform and narrows it down to size. The shorter barrel and collapsible stock (not really rendered in game) allow the 74U to handle tight corners and small spaces a lot more effectively than the rifle can. With a shorter barrel, however, the AKS-74U's ranged performance gets beat out by many other choices in the Advisor class. While not particularly bad, the 735 m/s velocity and the 260 pp penetration of the AKS' rounds is slower than most of its competition.

Unlike the AK-74, the fire rate of the AKS-74U is quite fast, at 723 RPM, comparable to many AR-15/ M4A1 platforms. The fire rate of the carbine makes it quite competitive to the M4A1, and in fact, the AKS-74U has many similar stats to it.

Attachments can boost the performance of the already well-rounded platform. Muzzle devices can either help disguise the muzzle report when firing with the Flash Hider/Suppressor or further improve the already tame lateral kick with the Compensator. It is worth noting that equipping the Suppressor will mount a PBS-4, making the barrel length noticably longer.

Grips, on the other hand, are very helpful in improving performance, depending on the required situation. For closer ranged engagements, the Aiming Grip and Quick Draw Grip will help improve CQB performance, while the Loading Grip is a versatile implement to hasten reloads, especially with the large drum magazine. The Recoil Grip can also compress the recoil even more, making the AKS-74U even more controllable.






  • When optics are mounted on the AKS-74U, the scope view is much smaller than other weapons, due to the optic being mounted on a rail on the front sight on the AKS-74U.
  • The Dry Canal update gave the AKS-74U animation updates, the player now does an underhand bolt pull when dry reloading.

Insurgency Sandstorm

  • The model present in the game is specifically the AKS-74UN, due to the side rail.
  • Whenever Picatinny optics are equipped, they are mounted to a Dovetail-to-Picatinny rail adapter instead of the previous game's front sight mount. This makes the sight picture much larger than the previous game, since the optics are now mounted closer to the player.
    • When the 1x OKP-7 is equipped to the weapon, it is the Picatinny version instead of the side-mounted version unlike on other AKs. This is true to real life, as the dovetail OKP-7 is incompatible to the AKS-74UN due to colliding with the rear sight. However, whenever an optic is mounted, the rear sight is removed anyway, which means in theory the dovetail version of the OKP-7 would still be compatible with the rifle.
  • Attaching the Recoil Grip to the AKS will attach the Romanian Handguard instead of the normal ribbed foregrip.

